This website is published by:

SPBI, a public limited company with a share capital of 51,541,628€, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of La Roche-sur-Yon under the number 491 372 702.

Its headquarters are located at: Business Park of l’Eraudière, 85170 DOMPIERRE SUR YON (France).

Having, for the distribution of products sold under the brand name, JEANNEAU, a division of JEANNEAU, located at: Route de La Roche sur Yon, 85500 Les Herbiers (France),

Tel.: 02 51 64 20 20

E-mail address:

Director of Publications: Paul BLANC

Publications Manager: Constance BREMENT

Website Host:


SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

Code APE 6202A

N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419

Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Directeur de la publication : Octave KLABA

Téléphone : 1007

Intra-Community VAT Number: FR 00 491 372 702

Access and use of this website are subject to the following “General Conditions of Use,” detailed hereafter, as well as to applicable laws and/or regulations.

Connection and access to the website,, implies full acceptance without reserve by the user of all terms of the following General Conditions of Use, which he must consult with each connection.

Article 1 – Purpose of the SPBI S.A. Website

This website belongs to SPBI S.A. and is dedicated to products of the JEANNEAU brand. Its mission is to:

- Present the line of products and services of the JEANNEAU brand;

- Inform visitors of events and boat shows which might interest them;

- Present the network of dealerships providing these products and services in locations around the world.


Article 2 - Limit of Liabilities

As a user of the website, you acknowledge having the competence and technical means necessary to access and use this website.

You acknowledge having verified that your computer configuration does not contain a virus, and that it is in perfect working order. You must also have read and understood the General Conditions of Use and agreed to respect the terms.

You are solely and entirely responsible for your use of the website, SPBI S.A. cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages, such as, notably, damage to material, loss of data or programmes, or financial damage resulting from the use of this website or any linked websites.

Article 3 - Security

You agree, in your use of this website,, not to undertake any manipulation susceptible to bring about functional or any other IT failures that might affect the operation of the website, or any server or service accessible via the website.

You agree, notably, that within the space of the website, you will only leave information, data, documents, and/or files that are reliable, inoffensive and not susceptible to affect operation of the website or of any server or service accessible via the website.

You agree to the following terms in your use of the website or of any server or service accessible par via the website:

- to respect the national and international laws and regulations in effect, as well as the rights of third parties;

- not to damage the image of SPBI S.A. in any manner or form whatsoever.

SPBI S.A. could not be held responsible for any damage resulting from access by a visitor to the website and/or use of the website, or for the inability to access the website.

Article 4 – Limit of Liability of SPBI S.A.

4.1 – Limit of liability

SPBI S.A. has opened this website for the personal use of its visitors. Commercial exploitation, even partial, of the data presented on the website is prohibited without prior written consent by the company, SPBI S.A.

The website offers a general presentation of the range of product lines and services of the JEANNEAU brand. As a result, SPBI S.A. cannot be held responsible for any inexactness and/or any omission of information on this website.

The information presented on the website (text, graphics, photos, etc.…) are indicative, and thus purely for the purpose of providing general information. In spite of our vigilance, this website cannot be considered a contractual document and cannot form the basis of a judicial action.

To obtain current, precise information, notably on pricing, availability, features, content, and variations of different products and services figuring on this website, we recommend that you visit the dealership of your choosing.

Indeed, SPBI S.A. has entrusted the distribution of its products and services to a network of dealerships, independent retailers, who are solely able to furnish current and precise information on the features and pricing of the products and services that they offer.

SPBI S.A. has a continual development policy for the products and services within its network and reserves the right to modify, without prior notice or public announcement, the relative information therein, and notably, information related to features and pricing of products presented, without being held liable.

As SPBI S.A. cannot represent in whole or in part the product offer presented on this website, we recommend that you inform yourself at the dealership of your choosing to obtain additional and individualised information.

The information appearing on the current website corresponds to the last online update of the various pages of the website. Some modifications could have taken place since the last update. This is why we recommend that you contact the dealership of your choosing to learn about the most recent product evolutions.

SPBI S.A. cannot guarantee the accuracy and comprehensiveness of information updates to this website.

4.2 – Limit of liability concerning pricing

The prices appearing on this website are indicative, in effect on the date of the last update of the various pages on the website: Price B2023 (Price valid for a 2023 model, delivered before August, 31st 2023, while stocks last). They are indicative public prices, and can change at any time without prior notice.

These prices cannot in any case be considered contractual sales offers for products or services of SPBI S.A. or its dealer network, and cannot in any way be compulsory for the dealerships.

In spite of the vigilance of SPBI S.A., it is possible that errors in price could appear on the website, for whatever reason (bug, data entry error, technical error...). These errors cannot serve in any way as cause for liability of SPBI S.A.

To obtain current and precise information, notably on pricing, availability and features, we recommend that you visit the dealership of your choosing.

Indeed, the dealerships within our network independently define the prices of the products and services that they offer.

Furthermore, all products and services appearing on this website are not necessarily available at each of our dealerships. We recommend that you visit one of our dealerships to learn more about product availability and services offered.

The selection of a product on the current website does not serve in any way as a reservation for a potential sales order. Reservations can only be made at the dealership of your choosing.

Article 5 – Intellectual Property

5.1 – Copyrights

The current website is a work, of which SPBI S.A. is the author, according to articles L 111.1 and the Code of Intellectual Property.

The creation of the current website are the product of Génération Internet (

The texts, photography, animation, drawings, sound and other works are the exclusive property of SPBI S.A.

Any reproduction, direct or indirect, provisory or permanent, by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, as well as any representation, use or modification, even partial, of the current website is strictly prohibited. This would constitute the crime of plagiarism, punishable by three years imprisonment and a 300,000€ fine (Intellectual Property Code, article L 716-10).

5.2 – Trademarks

The nominative and semi-figurative brands of JEANNEAU are registered by SPBI S.A. and are the exclusive property of that company.

The brands of EYB, BENETEAU, LAGOON and PRESTIGE are listed by SPBI S.A. on the current website with the authorisation of their respective holders.

The reproduction, use, imitation, apposition, deletion or modification of these brands without prior authorisation by SPBI S.A. or their holders constitutes the crime of plagiarism, punishable by three years imprisonment and a 300,000€ fine (Intellectual Property Code, article L 716-10).

Article 6 – Hypertext Links and Referencing

6.1 The website may contain hypertext links leading to other websites which are wholly independent of the website, SPBI S.A. does not presume to represent or guarantee the exactness, completeness or truth of information contained in said hypertext links or on any website to which they are linked.

Therefore, any access to another website linked to the website,, is undertaken at your own responsibility.

6.2 The creation of any hypertext link to the current website and any referencing of this website are strictly prohibited without express written authorisation by SPBI S.A.

Article 7 - Modification of Legal Information on the Website of SPBI S.A.

SPBI S.A. reserves the right to modify or correct, at any time and without prior notice, the current legal information, notably, in the event of a change in the legislation in effect, to reflect compliance with the law.

Article 8 – Applicable Law

The website,, and the current General Conditions of Use are subject to French law.