Delve deep into the marine expedition of Andreas B. Heide...

Sailor, Andreas B. Heide:  passionate about the sea from the very start

If you search online for the name of Andreas B. Heide, you will find that he is no ordinary man.

How many people do you know who free dive with orcas in the Arctic?  As crazy at it might seem, that’s exactly what one Jeanneau sailboat owner, named Andreas Heide, does.

Having grown up near the sea, in the city of Stavanger, in Southwestern Norway, Andreas gained a taste, very early, for maritime life.

His love of nature finally led him to launch a career in marine biology:  thus, he became a defender of the marine environment.



I started free diving at seven years old, and I had my first boat at the age of eight or nine years old. Growing up around nature is pretty important; you have to learn the basic skills.



Expedition aboard a Sun Fast 37, a versatile Jeanneau sailboat in the service of an extraordinary experience




Barba is a perfect boat for a wide range of activities.  She enables you to reach zones that are inaccessible by normal means of transport.  And, unlike a powerboat, a sailboat is silent and not intrusive.


In 2012, Andreas purchased a pre-owned Sun Fast 37 that he named “Barba,” after his family’s pet dog.  And even if the Sun Fast 37 is not the first boat that comes to mind for sailing in Norway’s cold sea, Andreas has observed that it exceeded his needs

Over the years, Andreas has made numerous expeditions into the Arctic to study and swim with the whales.

He has notably been the subject of numerous articles, he has appeared on BBC World News, and he actively contributes to the magazine, Cruising World.

We hope to be able to meet him person this summer, in order to capture more of his story for our American Jeanneau video series, Jeanneau Underway.

But between now and then, we wish him, as well as “Barba,” safe cruising.

On his journey, Andreas continues to share surprising photos, stories and videos of the life of orcas and of our splendid planet Earth.


You, too, can share stories of your adventures aboard your Jeanneau by sending us an email, at:


View a video clip from this Norwegian odyssey



Follow Andreas’ adventures on the expedition’s website and on Instagram

Visit the website WWW.BARBA.NO

Visit the Instagram account @BARBABOAT

Here are some magnificent photos of his journey: